Sally Fallon: The Truth About Soy and Why its Toxic

*Topics Discussed on Part 1 of 4:

-The importance of Animal Fats in our diet.

-Sacred Food among American Indians: Bear Fat

-Crop Pesticide Applications are Estrogen’s (Hormones)–causing early on set of puberty–DES Hormone implicated

-Estrogens occour naturally in soy–insects that come into contact with these estrogens becomes sterile

-Genetically Modified (GM) Soy developed so that more herbicides could be sprayed on the crop–GM Soy is much higher in Tripsin Inhibitors (inhibit Protein Digestion)—very hard to eliminate Tripsin from Soy: can cause pancreatic, digestive problems, protien deficiencies, etc…

-Aprox. 85-90% of all Soy is GM and sprayed

-Misconceptions about the Asian Diet–Japan: Avg. Soy consumption is about 10 g’s a day (2 tsps.)–mostly fermented soy, or a little tofu eaten with a fish broth that counteracts particular mineral blocking agents—is not used to replace Animal Foods—-Japan: AVG consumption of Fish is 150 pounds per person per year; almost half a pound a day—–1960s China Survey: 65% of the calories in the chinese diet is from Pork (includes: Lard)

-Soy: When used traditionally is almost always fermented and used in great moderation

-Soy Protein Isolate: found in almost every ‘health’ nutrion bar, etc..

-Soy Protien Isolate: most of it is made by Dupont: owners of Technology International; the same people who are producing all of these pesticides

-Soy Protein Isolate: is the worst Excito Toxin, causes the brain neurons to trigger over and over and over until they fatigue–produces a drug like response/effect

Part 1.

Topics Discussed in Part 2 of 4:

-Soy Protein Isolate: is the worst Excito Toxin, causes the brain neurons to trigger over and over and over until they fatigue–produces a drug like response/effect

-MSG: billion dollar buisness–name is continually changing, ie: hydrolized protien, natural flavour, spices, artificial flavour

-Grass Fed Animals and Fat Soluble Vitamins A and D–Weston A Price’s findings—detoxifing pesticides, chemicals, etc

-Organic and Confinement Dairies–Dairy Cow in confinement: life-span is aprox. 42 months (almost 4 years), A cow out in Pasture: life-span is aprox. 10-12 years

-Alan Savory’s Work on brittle land (land with little rain fall)–hooves running over the land encourage grass to grow as long as it’s not over-grazed

-Slaughterhouses–organic and non-organic—USDA under pressure

-CJD related deaths

-Bovine problems (Prion Disorders) in the cows that were sprayed–Mark Purdy’s (sic?) work

-Proper methods of preparing Grains and Legumes

-Soy Formula for babies: is a disaster–whole foods baby formulas, breast milk from healthy mothers, etc

Part 2.

Topics Discussed in Part 3 of 4:

-Soy Formulas, when given to infants, the average baby will get 25-41 mg’s of Isoflaven’s–that is in the range that causes problems in women, in just a few months of feeding—caused pathological breast changes in the menstrual cycle in adult women

-Peurtorican Study: Soy Estrogen: was associated with premature development in the little girls–no good study about Soy Estrogen’s effect on little boys: anecdotelly, it seems to affect little boys in different ways: either very early on set of a masculine growth or a very retarded sexual development, very often: extreme emotional behaviour and learning disabilities: ADD

-Healthy Diet with the appropriate fats and nutrients that growing children need–Cod Liver Oil

-Cod Liver Oil: 1930’s, 1940’s Dr’s were reccomending two tea-spoons of Cod Liver oil for babies, starting at 3 months–Cod Liver Oil to help avoid learning disabilities in children—Cod Liver oil is synergistic with the Saturated Fats in Milk, Coconut Oil and need to be taken together

-Soy in the Marketplace: up into the 100’s of millions of dollars–worlds largest cash crop—80% of the partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in America is from Soy Oil—-what is left over after the Soy is extracted from the bean is a waste product (Soy Protein Isolate!)

-Mary Enig: Fat (Lipids) Researcher

-Book Section: Traditional Tonics and Superfoods: Fermented foods, milk tonics, etc…foods that concentrate nutrients–cod liver oil, yeast, glands, blue green algae, kelp

-Recipes: Flourless Carob Cake–Made with Eggs and Carob, with a natural sweetener

-Wheat Allergies, Wheat Gluten:Alfa-Glyidens (sic?) in Wheat are Protiens that are very hard to break down–two thing occuring here—leaky gut and verirritating types of proteins that can pas through the gut wall and even destroy the gut wall—-opinion: proper preperation of wheat (particularilly old fashion methods) makes it much more digestible—–Proper Preperation is: Soaking, sour levening, old fashioned sour-dough, etc…

-Commercial Soup’s Substitute Flavours are Excito-Toxins: base = hydrolized protein, another word for MSG–tasteless foods are dependent on MSG—“Long Shelf Life, Short Human Life”

Part 3.

-Ancient Preservation Methods will actually put more nutrients in the food: Lacto-fermentation, for example; old fashioned sour kraut–encourages growth of bacteria, which produce lactic-acid (a preservative) and during this process alot of nutrient content is increased: vitamin C, Mineral’s become more available, many toxins are neutralized—Lacto Fermented Fruits and Vegetables and Lacto-fermented Beverages

-Lactic Acid: can be derived from dairy sources, all vegetables have lactic-acid on them and in their juice–homemade whey: usable on vegetables as a preservative—how to get whey out, let yogurt seperate

-Spinach and Dark-Leafy Vegetables: Oxalic-Acid present, needs to be gotten rid of some how, traditionally is removed by cooking it–example: steamed lighly and eaten with pasture-fed butter, butter will supply you with Vitamin A and Vitamin D, the activators that help you absorb the minerals—or saute with onions and butter

-Nuts: lots of irritants and toxins present: can be neautralized by soaking the nuts in Salt Water, letting them drain and then dehydrating them in a warm oven

-Majority of Dairy intolerance is due to: animals eating wrong types of food, milk is pasteruized, doesn’t have enough fat in it–each one of these things makes the milk less and less digestible—examples of people who are able to drink Raw Milk even though they think that they have an intolerance to all milk

-Protein, B12, Vitamin A, etc for Vegetarians—Synthetic Vitamin A is toxic, true vitamin A is from an animal fat (probably fish oil)—-B12 is destroyed by pasteurization, present in: Raw Cheese, Raw Milk, Eggs, Meat—–Rabbit derives B12 from his droppings——2 types of vegetarian animals: 4 gut fermentors (ie: cow): get thier B12 from the die off of Protozoa in their gut and Hind Gut Fermentors (ie: rabbit) get their B12 from their droppings

Part 4.

~ by Mendel on November 4, 2009.

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  1. […] For more summaries and such on these clips, see the Body Electronics blog […]

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